My favorite channeler Sharon Stewart starts a self sufficient community in Timmins that will become a large city of Light.

You Have the Right for Discernment of Truth and Information

As Truth seekers ourselves, there are few things more precious and valued than the Universal Truth. Light is information; lies are Darkness.

(Light = Information = Truth)

Now, for the first occasion, the Light has the back of all media, bringing secrets opened to the surface. They are forced to reveal Truth for the Grand Awakening; clones walk theEarth now. It is complex; using culture, artistic symbolism was the main way of truthing; it still is, but now we have even greater advantages.... thanks to Ashtar! (like saying 'thanks Obama!' ;P )

Educational values have resisted programming from agenda 21 in many sectors of the Light community.. 

You have the right to seek all information and access it with the permission of the "beholder" or "higher aspect" of any record's originator or keeper.

It is very thrilling to participate in this era of the YOU-in-verse, such a unique transition as we are amidst of it. We ARE the change. We ARE the World


We now have a FB page here for news and intel:

Who is "the Light"?

Anyone that works for Creation and does not reverse it. The GFL is what I'm refering to in this specific case. But for Terrans, we ARE being the Light on the surface for now.

I'm going to say "Thanks, Ashtar!" as a compliment that parodies the ancient meme "Thanks, Obama!".

Examples of intel: (one of the most reliable with Ashtar, El Morya, AA Michael, Ivo of Vega and ET profiles, ET contact requests. Even Goddess Athena is in here)


Rick Jewers

Dinar Chronicles

Fondation pour la défense des droits et libertés du peuple

Love Has Won

Those are some of the more reliable sources.

(ever expanding, so many intel givers to count)

Be very wary of dark entity slips, disinformation or dark agendas in any intel or channeler! There is misleading info all around. "Gurus" with an egoic cause. Use intuition at your own expense. The spirit world asks.. do you know what's next? I suggest walking prepared. Also, "Q" (QAnon) is already very well known with the pro Trump patriot-republican community and beyond worldwide so I don't have to explain it.

In the end, YOU choose. You have free will.

My blogs: (inactive)

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